Most probably the most innovative and imaginitive promotions designers to open for the millenium.

Welcome to the Big Names website.

Our design & manufacturing base in Kingston upon Hull generates promotional and marketing products from our own patented range.

We offer an effective and innovative service with access to many high profile licenced characters.

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Big Name Promotions
Louis Pearlman
Goulton Street
Kingston upon Hull
Tel: +44 (0)1482 224305
Fax: +44 (0)1482 615790

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Big Names innovative products are based on strong market trends and many years of first hand knowledge.

Extensive distribution has been achieved through ongoing creative design and development, excellent product performance and strong knowledge of the market.

In house manufacturing allows for a quick turn round on new 'in vogue' products catching the market at its peak attaining maximum profits.

Contract manufacturing for promotional and advertising needs are managed in our design studios, from product concept, packaging design through to final production.


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